Quality Policy

QUALIFYING PHOTOVOLTAICS, S.L. as a company that operates in the field of photovoltaic solar energy, providing services as an independent Testing Laboratory, as a technical consultancy and as analysts of the performance of photovoltaic installations, we are committed to::
  • Satisfy the requirements of our customers and exceed their expectations as far as possible, through the efficient performance of our activities.
  • Comply at all times with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the activities we carry out, and others that the organization subscribes to.
  • Maintain mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers in order to increase the capacity of both to create value.
  • Respect the commitments acquired with the UPM for the execution of our activity, promoting technology transfer and the hiring of personnel trained by this university.
  • Promote the economic development of society, encouraging the growth of renewable energies and prioritizing local hiring.
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness of our management system to achieve more satisfied customers and a team fully committed to this policy.
  • Prioritize safety, hygiene and occupational health of employees and prevent damage and deterioration of health that may be caused by work activities.
  • Continuously monitor the competence of our staff in order to maintain our standards of quality and knowledge for the proper provision of the service.
  • To ensure the impartiality and consistency of our activities with respect to the activities performed.
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